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Lovely friends!

  1. Please don’t share
  2. What is U-Bahn dance
  3. What is Playground Everywhere
  4. About this page


Please don’t share

This is for our friends only, not public! Please don’t share this link/photos/etc… Thank you! <3


What is U-bahn dance 

Most of the time we dance in the station. Once in a while its in the train… It’s about using the space, the floor, invite other passengers (in a very gentle way). But mostly it’s about enjoying dancing together and having fun!

The good thing about it : we almost don’t need anything to prepare. Though usually someone would do a warm up to make it more easy for everyone to dive into dance… And we clean the floor a bit before we start. But anyway it can never become super clean, so bring cloths that are ok to become dirty or being destroyed. Yes, every thing and every body is going to die anyway and is only temporary in this world… so let’s use it instead of keeping/holding it. Especially our live time!

Some explain and sample video that was part of our wedding invitation. And yes, we danced also in the metro on our wedding!


What is Playground Everywhere

Exploring emerging phenomena in pupilc space. What can evolve while playing outside?

This is something Georg and me did 2019/2020. Parisa and me called it „Dance Experiment“, while travelling the world since 2018. It’s similar to U-Bahn dance.

Let’s occupy same nice place and have some dancing there. Everything can be our playground: metro station, university, Gasteig, Dianatempel, neue Pinakothek. This is what it is about : having dance and fun in an nice but unusual space (without disturbing others).

Some invitation/sample video from the past :


About this page

This is my very first time to use some kind of webpage for explaining to friends. Please let me know if something is not clear… or could be improved. Or you don’t like this way… or you like it. Any feedback is good for me… It’s really my first page!

I registered the domain www.monkeyaround.de long time ago. The idea at this time was to get a place to share creative pictures/videos/things we created during time together… mostly in a private way (closed group of people). But it never went to reality. Maybe this is a start. I don’t know yet. There is no real goal for this domain at the moment.